DIGITAL PRINT Highest digital print quality achieved with the HP Indigo 7600 and 10000. Two sheet sizes: 13” x 19” and 20.9” x 29.5”. Complete data management and data cleansing. Direct mail printing, mailing, and fulfillment services. Custom binding for books and presentations. Short run with litho quality. Long run variable data printing. Package prototyping....
2019年10月22日 by admin


Highest digital print quality achieved with the HP Indigo 7600 and 10000.

Two sheet sizes: 13” x 19” and 20.9” x 29.5”.

Complete data management and data cleansing.

Direct mail printing, mailing, and fulfillment services.

Custom binding for books and presentations.

Short run with litho quality.

Long run variable data printing.

Package prototyping.

Storefront integration for print-on-demand.


Digital printing is a new printing method that prints computer files directly on paper, which is different from the traditional printing process. Its characteristics: one print, no plate making, stand and wait, instant error correction, variable printing, on-demand printing.

Digital printing is a kind of comprehensive development based on printing technology. The technology uses electronic text as a carrier to transmit to digital printing equipment through the network to achieve direct printing.

No printing and variable information in the printing production process are the biggest features, covering printing, electronics, computers, networks, communications and other technical fields.